“You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” – Shirley Chisholm
What I Do
Originally from Germany, I am an industrial designer and fabricator based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Traveling to foreign countries and submerging myself in the new and unknown has always excited me, particularly because it presents great opportunities to reflect on what I often thought was normal. Sometimes, experiencing an alternative approach or solution would shift my thinking and actions entirely, allowing me to change. In hindsight, this is probably what largely evoked my interest in design and creative thinking. While still a student, I worked in different design studios, including Designum in Istanbul and LOE Design in Shanghai. After graduating in 2007, I continued working in Shanghai for XLPLUS Design, which later became part of the global design firm “Accenture” – until 2010.
After moving back to Germany, I formed a partnership with longtime friend and fellow designer Sascha Sartory under the name FORMFUSION Produkt Design in Cologne.
In 2015, I decided to travel over 5,400 miles by bicycle to eventually relocate to the San Francisco Bay Area in California, where I continue working on projects independently. I strongly believe that problem-solving through creative and intentional thinking has the potential to create a better world. In times of growing influence through solutions generated by artificial intelligence, I am a strong believer in the irreplaceable advantage of truly original thoughts and ideas, created by human beings.
2015-today //Owner of Sebastian Hoek / Product Design, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
2022-2023 // Technical Staff at Charlie’s Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary, California, USA
2019-2020 // In-house furniture designer at Zenbooth, California, USA
2010-2014 // Partner and co-founder of FORMFUSION Produkt Design, Cologne, Germany
2008-2009 // Partner at XLPLUSDESIGN, Shanghai, China
2006-2008 // Designer at XLPLUSDESIGN, Shanghai, China
2009 // Freelance designer for Medion Design Team, Shanghai, China
2008 // Graduation from BUGH – University of Wuppertal, Germany, Major in Industrial Designer
2017 // German Design Award Winner – Product “Diviwall” for Ropimex
2015 // German Design Award Special Mention – Product “Fire” for Konstantin Slawinski
2014 // Focus Open Silver – Product “Fire” for Konstantin Slawinski
2014 // iF Award – Product “Fire” for Konstantin Slawinski
2014 // DesignPlus Ambiente – Product “Fire” for Konstantin Slawinski
2014 // Iconic Award – Product “Fire” for Konstantin Slawinski
2014 // Interior Innovation Award – Product “Fire” for Konstantin Slawinski
2014 // Form 2014 Tendence – Product “Fire” for Konstantin Slawinski
2014 // Interior Innovation Award – Product “Lombard” for Konstantin Slawinski
2014 // iF Award – Product “Select” for Sudhaus
2014 // Plus-X-Award “Best Product of the year“ Product Traveller for Lehmann Audio
2014 // Plus X Award “Innovation, High Quality, Design” – Product Traveller for Lehmann Audio
2013 // Interior Innovation Award 2014 in the category “Product Design”, Fire and Lombard
2007 // Red Dot Award in the category “Product Design”, Sobey Colormix
2007 // IF Award in the category “Product Design”, Guao money counting machine
2007 // Good Design Award with XLPLUSDESIGN in the category “Product Design”
2002 // Doellken Award Winner Produktdesign
Designaffairs Shanghai
Emform / Müller Möberlwerkstätten
Häfele Group
Konstantin Slawinski
KKC Cases
Lehmann Audio
Lancom Systems
Schwinn-Beschläge GmbH
Please email me for more information. I would love to hear from you!